Viva La Visa

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Visa Costs and How To Ease The Pain

The cost of visas and work permits for touring musicians is a perennial issue and the general trend is always upwards.

While we can’t do anything about the fees charged by governments around the world, we can offer a few suggestions to make the costs more manageable.

1. Plan ahead;

If you plan for your visa needs in good time savings can be made. Many countries including US and UK have lower fee rates for slower processing times.

2. Include all immigration costs in show costs;

When you or your agent is cutting the deals for your shows, remember to include all the visa costs including the cost of an agency as show costs.

3. Include visa costs in your budget;

Often visa costs are something of an afterthought on a tour budget. They are as important as sound, lights and airfares. Many shows have been lost because visas weren’t sorted in time. If it’s in the initial budget there is much more chance of it happening.

4. Get the maximum duration for your visas;

While many countries require a visa per visit some in particular the US can grant work visas for longer periods and multiple trips.

5. Get multiple destination discount from an agency;

Many visa agents, including ourselves, will offer discounts if they are handling processing for multiple destinations. We also offer discounts to members of trade organisations such as the MU, ISM and the MPA.

If you have any questions about this blog, or if you’d like to enquire about our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact form, or through